

  • English
  • Mathematics
  • Science
  • History
  • Geography
  • Art and Design
  • Music
  • Computing
  • Design & Food Technology
  • Physical Education
  • Mandarin
  • PRE

The Perry Hall vision and values are at the heart of our Personal, Social, Health, Citizenship, Economic, Education (PSHCEE). We recognise that the culture and ethos of our school influences the health and wellbeing of our pupils and therefore their readiness to learn. 

Our curriculum provides the building blocks for our pupils to have the confidence, knowledge and virtues to make informed decisions and to develop caring and respectful relationships. We ensure that they have the tools to keep safe in our ever-changing world, allowing them to have the independence to succeed and continue their learning journey. Our pupils develop the courage and assertiveness to ensure their voices are heard, but yet continue to show compassion and kindness through social and emotional learning. Equality, diversity and inclusion are threaded throughout all of our subjects and embedded in the heart of our school. 

Our aim is for pupils at Perry Hall to leave primary school with the skills to become positive and successful global citizens. Our enhanced curricular and extra-curricular offer provides opportunities for pupils to develop and express their character, to have the ability to aim high and achieve the very best they can be.

Progression Overview
