BackInclusion, diversity and equality is at the heart of Perry Hall. Difference is celebrated, respected and appreciated. Our priority is to ensure that all groups of learners access an enhanced curriculum and achieve success.
Although, we are mindful that pupils begin their school journey having had a variety of experiences and achieving developmental milestones at different points, we understand the importance of early identification and intervention. Alongside using their own knowledge, our staff work closely with professionals to ensure appropriate support and scaffold is implemented at the earliest opportunity to remove barriers to learning and ensuring equity for all.
Inclusive practice is threaded throughout the teaching and learning at Perry Hall. High quality first teaching strategies benefit all groups of learners. Effective personalised and targeted provision is delivered to those who require interventions above the general classroom offer. High expectations of support are achieved through the plan, do, review cycle. Our pupils all aim for the same outcomes, but may follow a different path to get there.
Subject leaders incorporate inclusion when monitoring their subjects and key texts with an inclusive focus are used across the school and within the curriculum. Parent and carer partnerships are valued and crucial when ensuring that the needs of our pupils are met. Our strategies are a combination of evidence based and innovative approaches, tailored to individual and cohort need.